“For Better or Worse is a message… a commentary… a musical presentation… based on the biblical perspective on love, romance and relationships. For me, this was a conversation that we haven’t had much of. We are living in a time where marriages and relationships are failing at an alarming rate, not just in the society but in our churches as well. The innate desire to make it work is missing in modern times. It’s almost as if everything is dispensable. Some would even say we’ve lost something - that sense of commitment, that sense of honour and perseverance,” says Trinidad and Tobago born artist Nathanael Hamilton when asked about his debut album release.
“Paul in Ephesians 5:25 teaches husbands to love their wives like Christ loved the church,” Hamilton went on to state. “It sets a standard and a requirement that we should measure ourselves by. This love is unconditional, and it is not dependent on how the other person feels, it is not dependent on whether they are at their best. Ultimately God loved us and embraced us at our worse.”
Two glasses, one filled with wine and the other with water represents the coming together of two lives and a promise (depicted as the shadows of both glasses form a ring) to stay together until ‘death do us part’. These main features in the design speak to the times that are better, richer, times of health (wine) and times that are worse, the not so rich and the not so beautiful moments (water).
The songwriter also recalls the miracle performed by Jesus at a wedding where He turned water into wine (John 2). Whether or not this points to the significance the marriage union to Jesus himself – being willing to perform his first recorded miracle at a ceremony in Cana… who knows? What we do know for certain, however, is that marriage and family life is important to God. This project is meant to be a blessing to couples everywhere… an encouragement to those just about to begin their journeys and those who’ve journeyed long and hard for many years. # ForBetterOrWorse
You can purchace the album here:

Visual Inspiration

Photo shoot (behind the scenes)

For Better or Worse Illustration

For Better or Worse Illustration (Alternative)